YOGYAKARTA The Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP) DKI Jakarta has received the spotlight. The reason is, the TGUPP formed by Governor Anies Baswedan will be disbanded along with the launch of him as Governor on October 16. Then, what is DKI Jakarta TGUPP?

Quoted from various sources, TGUPP is a team formed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta to assist in development programs in the capital city.

Citing Jakarta.go.id, TGUPP is needed to supply that the Governor's vision and mission can be carried out in full during the governor's term of service. To support this, a number of human resources will be taken consisting of figures, experts, and professional personnel who are relied on by the governor in translating and overseeing the vision and mission in the DKI Jakarta development priority program.

TGUPP was formed based on thoughts about a special team that has high dedication to overseeing and ensuring that various activity units are able to be carried out and are on target. But it should be remembered that TGUPP is a team, not a regional device.

Judging from Gubernatorial Regulation Number 16 of 2019 article 3 paragraph (1), it is said that TGUPP was formed to accelerate the implementation of development. In addition, to improve public services, the governor focuses on priority programs.

Operating TGUPP is also based and directly responsible to the governor.

The TGUPP task is listed in DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 16 of 2019 article 4, which is as follows.

TGUPP's authority is contained in DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 16 of 2019 article 5 as follows.

The existence of the DKI Jakarta TGUPP has actually existed since the era of Joko Widodo when he served as governor of DKI Jakarta. Then it continued in the era of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) alias Ahok to Anies Baswedan.

During the Jokowi and BTP era, TGUPP members were no more than 10 people who were then paid with the governor's operational costs. However, in the Anies Baswedan era, TGUPP members touched 67 people, although they were then cut to 50 people.

The budget disbursed for TGUPP is also different. During the Anies Baswedan era, the budget for TGUPP salaries reached billions of rupiah. The funds are used to adjust TGUPP salaries based on Grede.

Quoted from Kompas, the salaries of TGUPP members are regulated in Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 2359 of 2017 concerning TGUPP Financial Rights. Meanwhile, the amount of salaries of TGUPP members has been regulated in Governor Decree No. 2359 of 2017 concerning TGUPP Financial Rights. The details are as follows.

That's information related to DKI Jakarta TGUPP. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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