JAKARTA - Director of Protection of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Pol. Imam Margono emphasized that survivors or victims of criminal acts of terrorism are the responsibility of the state.

"The form of state responsibility is in the form of medical assistance, psychosocial rehabilitation, psychological, compensation for families in terms of victims who died, as well as compensation," Imam said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.

He said this when meeting with 76 survivors or victims of bombs in Poso, Tentena, and Palu, on Wednesday, September 14. The terrorism survivors are members of the Central Sulawesi Province Gathering Forum (Forsitas).

Imam said the existence of Forsitas facilitates the sustainability of relations with BNPT. Thus, BNPT can more easily coordinate assistance from various parties to survivors or victims.

Based on the constitution, BNPT is mandated by the state as the coordinator in the field of recovering victims of criminal acts of terrorism. The mandate in question is to coordinate with ministries and non-ministerial government institutions (K/L) as well as relevant stakeholders in the victim recovery program.

"This step represents that the state is present for all its citizens, including survivors," he explained.

The presence of survivors, he continued, could be a kind of reminder that the potential threat of terrorism continues to lurk. If not handled properly, then terrorism will take other lives.

"What we need in dealing with these potential threats is nothing but togetherness," he said.

He considered that if the nation is strong, the community is brave, and all components of the nation unite, making terrorism a common enemy; then the peace of the nation can be realized.

Meanwhile, Central Sulawesi Province Fority Coordinator Daniel Doika said the gathering of the bomb survivors was a means to share experiences with each other. As victims of terrorism crimes, survivors can continue to remind the public that the threat of terrorism is real.

"This activity is very informative, especially about what is needed. In addition, we feel very appreciated, that the country is here for us," said Daniel.

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