NTT - The West Timor Care Foundation (YPTB) asked the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) to lift the ban on catching fish on Pasir Island which was intended for fishermen from Rote Ndao, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"We ask the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to stop all forms of seduction to fishermen not to fish in the waters of Pasir Island," said YPTB Chairman Ferdi Tanoni in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.

Tanoni conveyed it through an open letter addressed to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti W Trenggono.

The ban arose when KKP staff met fishermen in Rote Ndao Regency on September 8. Even though Pasir Island has many sea potentials that are useful for local fishermen.

Tanoni then alluded to Indonesia's sovereignty in the waters of Pasir Island. The location is clearly included in the territory of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

As the holder of the mandate of customary rights of indigenous peoples in the Timor Sea, firmly states that they refuse. I do not accept and reject all the sweet promises of the Australian government. The sand Island cluster belongs to us Indonesians," he said.

He also emphasized that the cluster of Pasir Island was legally entered by the indigenous peoples Rote, Sabu, and Alor, because it was an customary jurisdiction that had been going on for 500 years.

He also emphasized that the memorandum of understanding between Indonesia and Australia in 1974 only regulated the rights of traditional fishermen and not international law.

"So if someone forbids it, then he does not respect the rights of indigenous peoples in Indonesia, especially the indigenous peoples Rote, Sabu, and Alor," he said.

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