MALUKU - Maluku Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Lotharia Latif emphasized that the perpetrators of the misuse of the red and white flag which went viral in front of the official house of the Wakate Police Sub-sector, East Seram Police (SBT) in Kesui, were not processed by law for apologizing.

"The perpetrator has apologized, even so, the Police will still provide guidance to the person concerned, legal guidance and state insight to the person concerned, so that such incidents do not happen again," Lotharia said in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 14.

Photos and videos of misuse of the red and white flag were busy being discussed by the people in Maluku.

The Regional Police Chief admitted that he regretted the incident, plus it happened in front of the SBT district sub-sector service house, which was approximately 12 hours away from the capital city.

"I deeply regret the incident. That's why I ordered the motive and who the perpetrators were," said the Kapolda.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of misuse of the Indonesian flag, it turns out that this is Ilham Lering, a local resident who works as a janitor at the Wakate Sector Police Office.

Accompanied by the Head of Hamlet, Hasan Basri Rumaratu, and Imam Tamhelu, Ali F. Kastela, Ilham Lering apologized profusely to all Indonesian people for abusing the function of the Red and White flag.

Standing in front of the Wakate Police, Ilham apologized sincerely for taking the flag that had been in the warehouse for a long time.

"On behalf of Ilham Lering, I am not a police officer, I am an ordinary person, I work as a janitor at the Wakate Sub-Directorate Police office," said Ilham.

According to him, the flag taken was an old flag that had been torn and unused. The flag was then used as a napkin. He also accidentally stepped on it.

I apologize for raising the flag that has been in the warehouse for a long time to be used as a hand sanitizer, and I accidentally stepped on it. I apologize to the Indonesian people as much as possible," said Ilham.

The red and white flag is a symbol or identity of the Indonesian nation, also has a deep history, where the struggle of the pakhlwans who are willing to die in order to fly the red and white flag and be separated from the hands of the invaders.

The red and white flag must be flown on August 17, and its installation will start from August 1 to 31 as a celebration of Indonesia's independence.

In addition, red and white flags must be installed on Indonesian transportation equipment, such as ships, trains, and even airplanes.

This is marked as a passenger, and the workers in the transportation are Indonesian people who are national and love the country.

The red and white flag also works, and is often used during traditional celebrations, celebrations of sporting events, official government meetings, to signs of mourning, and much more.

Therefore, the red and white flag is strictly forbidden to be misused for dirty things, or things that are considered nil worth nationalism.

Those who step on, tear, burn, or anything else that tarnishes, insults, or degrades the honor of this red and white flag will be subject to a maximum imprisonment of five years, or a maximum fine of IDR 500 million.

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