JAMBI - Jambi Police arrested six youths or pirates that were troubling fishermen in the waters of Kuala Lambur Luar, Muaro Sabak District, Tanjung Jabung (Tanjab) Timur, Jambi. Director of Ditpolairud Jambi Regional Police Kombes Michael Mumbunan said the six pirates were arrested on Friday, September 9. They were arrested at their respective residences in East Tanjung Jabung. "We managed to uncover this thanks to a collaboration with the East Tanjab Police," said Michael at the Jambi Police Satpolairud Headquarters as reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 13. East Tanjab Police Chief AKBP Andi M Ichsan stated that these six pirates had two different roles when carrying out their actions affected the victim. "Five people affected the victim's ship, while one other person became a reservoir for stolen goods," he said again. The identities of the six pirates who hit the ship, namely RN, SA, MY, HH, BT and JD. The time of the incident by fishermen by the perpetrators occurred last Tuesday at around 03.30 WIB, in the waters of Front Kuala Lambur Outer with the victims the names TH, RO, J, HH and S, all residents of Nipah Panjang, East Tanjab. Due to this incident, Dirpolairud and the East Tanjab Police formed a team to uncover the crime that started from information that HC as a fish collector had purchased fish from a person named RN as a fish collector who was suspected of being processed. "From the results of the team's investigation on Friday, September 9, 2022 at 16.00 WIB, the team immediately moved and managed to secure the alleged perpetrator with the initials SA as a recidivist with his colleagues MY, HH, BT, JD and RN as intermediaries," he explained. He explained that the perpetrator SA was the head of the pirate who recruited his members in Kuala Jambi, East Tanjab Regency. Suspect SA and his colleagues have several times carried out their actions to crash fishing boats in East Tanjab. SA is a recidivist with the same case in 1990. Now, after a dozen years in prison, he is in action in Jambi. "This SA suspect was recidivist in 1990 in the Thousand Islands with a sentence of 15 years in Lampung detention center," he also said. The police chief explained that this pirate carried out its actions using three pompongs with different functions. Two pompongs were used to backfire and another pompong was used to accommodate goods. "Mereka (pajak laut) ini merompak menggunakan senjata tajam dengan membuat-harm korbannya," katanya lagi. He added that there have been 5 victims in the waters of Kuala Jambi due to this pirate action, with a total loss of Rp. 15 million. These six pirates are subject to different penalties. The five pirates who affected fishing boats were subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 15 years in prison. Meanwhile, suspect RN as a collector is subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code.

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