JAKARTA - Surakarta Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) academic Amir Mahmud reminded all parties to be aware of radical groups ahead of the 2024 General Election.

According to him, the radical group works to destroy national unity by creating ethnic, religious, racial and intergroupal conflicts and identity politics in the community.

"Right now, things like SARA have re-emerged by these groups, so there is already that potential, and there are already figures who have emerged even though others are still crawling," Amir said in his statement, Tuesday, September 13.

Amir said, ahead of the election contestation, seeds such as SARA conflicts and identity politics had begun to be played again in order to destabilize the Pancasila-based nation.

This Postgraduate Lecturer of the UNU Islamic Education Master Study Program said that the slightest conflict could be an opportunity and was seen as a potential by radicalist groups to re-promotivate the caliphate system according to their version and undermine public trust in the government.

"Mereka itu selalu mencari kesempatan atau ruangan yang bisa memperoleh atau mencapai yang di situ nanti akan bisa terwujudkan suatu konflik. Tentunya saat ini gerasi untuk mengganti (forma negara) dengan sistem kekhilafah akan selalu dipungungkan," ujar Amir yang bergerak dalam bidang kajian Kontra-Narasi dan Ideologi dari paham radical teroris ini.

For this reason, he assessed the importance of a joint role in realizing the community's basis for provocations of issues and actions that cause conflict of division, in order to maintain stability, tolerance and harmony in the nation-state environment by instilling the values of religious moderation and national insight.

"Seperti selama ini BNPT sebagai lembaga yang telah bekerja sama dengan berbagai unsur masyarakat dalam membuat narasi, itu saya pikir harus lebih mengarah pada pelatihan-pembinaan kepada para stakeholder terkait, lalu untuk segera dissocialisasikan," tuturnya.

Amir hopes that this BNPT training will not only be held at meetings or socialization, but will also be raised (apply) in the midst of people's lives so that they can be expected to bring real results and be really effective in anticipating all radical group movements.

"Especially if we study today. For example, the role of lecturers from religious education or universities related to religion with religious moderation issues. Of course this is to relax the efforts made by radical groups in the community," he said. confiscated by Antara.

Amir Mahmud also advised all parties, especially moderate leaders and community organizations, to always try to embrace the people so that they have the awareness of the nation and state as well as a moderate religious understanding so that they can avoid all forms of conflict and provocations that lead to radicalism.

"This is not a matter of one religion, but also throughout religion. It is also a potential for radical cases. Do not let us be busy with a matter of division that never stops. Therefore, we must understand this understanding of togetherness," he said.

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