JAKARTA - The trial process for the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) is in the aftermath of the vortex of the murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J again. This time, Bharada Sadam's fate in the trial was determined. "Today's trial agenda is the KKEP trial with alleged violators of Bharada S," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Nurul Azizah to reporters, Monday, September 12. The plan is that the KKEP trial process against Bharada Sadam will take place around 13.00 WIB. Later, in the trial, the panel of judges will hear the statements of several witnesses. They will explain the role and involvement of Bharada Sadam. However, until now it is not known for sure the role of Bharada Sadam in the series of cases of Brigadier J. "There are three witnesses in the trial this afternoon, namely Ipda DD, Brigadier FF and Brigadier FD," he said. "Meanwhile, the form of actions is unprofessional in carrying out tasks," continued Nurul. So far, it has only been stated that Bharada Sadam's actions are not related to obstruction of justice. For information, in the alleged unprofessionality outside the obstruction of justice in the murder case of Brigadier J, the National Police has heard three of its members. Among other things, AKP Dyah Chandrawati with a demonstration verdict, AKBP Pujiyarto was sanctioned for 28 days, and AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian was sentenced to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH).

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