YOGYAKARTA - The Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Regional Leader of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Indonesian Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) held socialization of Pancasila ideology development to Women Activists in Yogyakarta from Saturday 10 September to Sunday 11 September.

Chairperson of PW Fatayat NU DIY Maryam Fithriati said that the socialization with the theme "Strengthening Grassroots Wisdom and Synergy" was a series of work meetings that would determine Fatayat NU DIY's activities for the next 5 years until 2027.

"This activity certainly has the function of internalizing the ideology of Pancasila. We hope that Pancasila is not just jargon and not just text on children's books, but also internalizing the lives of women and children because women are the pillars of development," she said in a written statement as quoted by Antara, Sunday, September 11.

She said that Fatayat NU DIY in the next 4 years will form 100 percent of branches in each village so that they can become Pancasila ambassadors by inviting all national structures to the village level.

"We also have a Community Work Training Center (BLK) which is concerned with fashion. Today we also present a resource person with a background as a designer in DIY. In this forum, we hope to discuss several issues, namely the economy and women's empowerment," she said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of PWNU DIY Kyai Mashuri hopes that the implementation of the program for the next 5 years, Fatayat NU DIY in this management must be different. The current period must be better, greater, and more advanced than the previous management.

"We will enter a century of NU. In 100th years, there is a theory that determines if the organization will become great or sink, advanced or slumped in terms of the 100-year cycle," he said.

Kyai Mashuri said that the Fatayat NU DIY could be a milestone in strengthening the Pancasila ideology.

"Anyone who wants to undermine and wants to change Pancasila, Fatayat must be in front and fight other elements of society," said Kyai Mashuri.

Meanwhile, the Head of Ideology and National Alert Division of Kesbangpol DIY, Joko Nuryanto, said that the wide-open tap of democracy had brought various new ideologies into the government system. So, it is very important for all to continue to strengthen the ideology of this nation, namely Pancasila.

"In the family sphere, the values of Pancasila can be taught to children so that they can act according to the noble values of Pancasila. Through Fatayat, women can also take part in understanding the values of Pancasila in the midst of society," said Joko Nuryanto.

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