JAKARTA - Perum Perhutani cooperates with Jambi University to improve the competence of human resources (HR) in the forestry sector through the Merdeka Learning Program for the next two years.

Director of Human Resources, General and IT Perum Perhutani M Denny Ermansyah said Perhutani was committed to supporting students to develop the potential, competence, and instill the values of AKHLAK from an early age as all SOEs have implemented.

"The purpose of signing the MoU is to realize the implementation of development, especially increasing the competence of human resources in the field of forestry and fostering programs for the benefit of each party who requires mutual support for the next two years," said Denny Friday 9 September.

The signing of the MoU was carried out by the Director of Human Resources, General Affairs, and IT Perum Perhutani M Denny Ermansyah with the Chancellor of Jambi University H. Sutrisno and witnessed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Suandi, and the Deputy Dean of Bambang Irawan.

Denny said that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has established policies regarding the Merdeka Learning Program for the Merdeka Campus to encourage students to master various sciences that are useful for the world of work.

Therefore, the signing of this agreement is to realize the implementation of development, especially increasing the competence of human resources in the field of forestry and program development for the interests of each party for the next two years.

"I hope this collaboration can be carried out well and in the end will give birth to a generation of qualified, skilled students according to their talents, AKHLAK, and are ready to enter the world of work," he said as quoted by Antara.

Jambi University Chancellor Sutrisno said that this MoU does not only cover the forestry sector because to support the digitization of forest management requires scientific knowledge in terms of information technology, biology and other parts that support this area.

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