JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that the Rp0 DP House program would continue even though his term of office in Jakarta ended and changed to new leadership.
This is because Anies has issued a regulation regarding the house of DP Rp0 as stated in Governor Regulation Number 14 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Governor Regulation Number 104 of 2018 concerning Home Revenue Financing Facilities for Low-Income Communities.
This he said during the inauguration of the construction of 1,348 housing units of Rp0 Nuansa Cilangkap, which is located in Cilangkap, Cipayung, East Jakarta.
"Yes, (House DP Rp0) continues and this actually uses regulations. I work with institutions, not with personality. Everything that is done in the form of regulations is the institution," said Anies, Thursday, September 8.
From existing regulations, Anies said that the Acting Governor of DKI and the Governor of DKI who will later be elected in the 2024 Pilkada and beyond can still run the Rumah Dp. Rp. 0 program.
"This regulation can later be judged by everything and implemented. So, whoever is in charge will carry out it with the existing needs. Well, that's what if I hold the principles of good governance, the principles of proper management," he explained.
Anies also said that private developers are also obliged to be involved in providing uninhabited housing for Jakarta residents.
He gave an example, the DKI Provincial Government and the private sector are working together to build an additional 700 housing units of DP Rp0. It is targeted that the construction of this residence will be completed in 2024.
"There are 700 units that are in the process of being built, so indeed it was done and indeed carried out by the private sector, their obligations are intended in the form of a housing program of 0 rupiah. So, later at least we will have more than 3000 units of down payment of 0 rupiah in 2024," he explained.
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