JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) introduces anti-corruption values for early childhood through fairy tales and anti-corruption gymnastics.

"There are many media that can be used to provide anti-corruption education to early childhood. One of them is by storytelling. fairy tales are an effective delivery medium for planting characters for them," said Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK Wawan Wardiana in a written statement.

This was conveyed by Wawan in an anti-corruption education audience attended by dozens of students from the Play Group (KB) Istiqlal at the KPK Anti-Corruption Education Center Building, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 7.

He said this activity was very important to instill noble characters or values so that they could be nurtured from an early age.

According to Wawan, in every medium used, anti-corruption values are contained in the fairy tale titled "Fufu and the thief" which introduces courage. There is also the fairy tale "Is there a Future for Osyi?" which teaches courage accompanied by caution.

As for the gymnastics "Patience", he said, teaching nine anti-corruption values that can be abbreviated as "Friday on a KK bicycle".

These values are honest, independent, responsible, brave, simple, caring, disciplined, fair, and hard work.

"Children will remember these values easily because there is a clear picture through fun media," said Wawan.

Meanwhile, the function of the KPK education network, Irene, said that anti-corruption education hearing activities are routinely carried out by the KPK so that people understand and implement anti-corruption values in their daily lives.

According to him, the KPK conducts anti-corruption education for early childhood so that anti-corruption characters are embedded from an early age.

"Education of children does not need to say sharply or clearly about anti-corruption but rather to planting the characters contained in the nine anti-corruption values. These values can be introduced to young friends with simple activities in everyday life," said Irene.

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