JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police's General Criminal Investigation Directorate is continuing to investigate five people regarding alleged violations of health protocols during Rizieq Shihab's activities in Megamendung, Bogor, West Java.

Director of the West Java Regional Police General Criminal Investigation Kombes CH Pattopoi said the five people invited were two from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), an officer from the local RW, Bogor Satpol PP Head, and an officer from the local puskesmas.

"Meanwhile Bupat Ade Yasin is still sick (confirmed by COVID-19)," said Patoppoi at the West Java Regional Police, Bandung City, West Java, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 24.

According to him, until now the police have not received confirmation of the presence of the two FPI members. The two members are Muchsin Alatas and Asep Agus Sofyan.

In addition, the police also invited expert witnesses to be questioned regarding the alleged violation. The expert witnesses who were invited were epidemiologists.

"This is still an investigation, just a clarification, the hope is that it will come, if the SOP does not come after our investigation, we will conclude whether the case can be investigated or not," said Patoppoi.

So far the police have investigated the Regional Secretary of Bogor Regency, the Head of the Bogor Regency Satpol PP, the Head of the RT, the Head of the Megamendung Sub-District, the head of the local village, and a member of Bhabinkamtibmas.

The previous examination was carried out on Friday, 20 November. They were examined for approximately 10 hours with dozens of questions ranging from main tasks and functions, as well as understanding of the alleged violation of the health protocol that occurred.

Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil was questioned by a joint team at Bareskrim Polri.

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