JAKARTA - A former lecturer at the Institute of Engineering was imprisoned for four months. He was found guilty of taking several photos and videos inside the skirts of his female students on campus.

The Singapore Court closed a meeting on the identity of the perpetrators and the victims, as quoted by Channel News Asia, Tuesday, September 6.

The lecturer admitted his guilt in front of the judge. And actually there are still three other charges that might increase his duration in prison.

On October 25, 2019, this lecturer was teaching in class. He accidentally saw a student wearing a tight skirt showing her legs.

He chose her as his target and walked towards her with the phone's camera enabled.

Under the pretext of helping her work, the man put his phone on the edge of the table before taking some photos using the volume button on his phone.

When class ended, he made sure no one around him and saw the photos before realizing that he failed to capture any pictures or videos of the student.

Meanwhile, the student saw the lecturer positioning the lens of his cellphone camera towards his skirt.

This action was immediately reported to his father, sister, and classmates. Then his sister reported the matter to the police.

His cell phone was confiscated and at least 133 images of the inside of the skirt and 17 videos taken from him.

Police investigations reveal the modus operandi of the perpetrator: She will look for female students with short skirts around the school, or students who sit incorrectly in her class.

He will then activate the camera function on his cellphone before approaching his target under the guise of teaching him. He will then take pictures or record student skirts and review the footage after lessons are complete.

According to the defendant's own estimate, he recorded videos and photos of the inside of the skirt for four to five months with a frequency of once a two weeks.

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