SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini (Risma), appealed to residents in the capital city of East Java Province to use their voting rights in the Surabaya Pilkada.

Risma said that voters do not need to worry about the transmission of COVID-19 because the Surara polling stations (TPS) will certainly tighten health protocols (prokes).

"Even in the invitation, the hours of each voter will be included. It is hoped that there will not be a buildup of people. But if there is something that does not match the hour, they will still be served. We also provide gloves when at the location and also the ballpoint pen that has been prepared," he said as quoted by Antara. , Tuesday, November 24.

If the community is still in doubt, Risma invites residents to bring protective equipment from their homes, such as gloves, hand sanitizer and pens.

Risma also hoped that during the simultaneous regional elections there would not be a single citizen who did not exercise their right to vote.

"Because it will determine how Surabaya will be in the next five years. If it does not vote (golput), the residents will also suffer losses. So let's come to the TPS," he said.

The Surabaya Pilkada was followed by candidate pair number 01 Eri Cahyadi-Armudji. This candidate pair was carried by PDI Perjuangan and supported by PSI.

Eri-Armudji also received additional strength from six non-parliamentary political parties, namely the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Hanura Party, the Berkarya Party, PKPI and the Garuda Party.

Then the pair number 2 Pilkada Surabaya Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman. This candidate pair is supported by a coalition of eight parties, namely PKB, PPP, PAN, Golkar, Gerindra, PKS, Democrat and Nasdem Party and supported by a non-parliamentary party, namely the Perindo Party.

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