SEMARANG The ranks of the Central Java Regional Police managed to uncover cases of hoarding and mixing subsidized fuel oil (BBM). A total of 84.2 tons of fuel and 38 tankers were secured by the police.

Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, said that during the period from August 1 to September 3, 2022, 66 suspects from 50 cases related to oil and gas cases were arrested.

"Evidence as much as 84.2 tons of fuel with details of solar 81 tons, Pertalite 3.2 tons. 38 tank cars, 6 motorbikes, and 40 reservoirs with a capacity of 1,000 liters. The state loss is IDR 11.1 billion," said the Regional Police Chief during a press conference at the Semarang Police Headquarters, Monday, September 5.

The modes carried out included hoarding and then some mixed Pertalite and condensate and dyes which were sold as Pertamax. One of the prominent cases, continued Luthfi, is in Kudus which involves oil distribution companies.

"A prominent case in Kudus. So 12 tons were secured, and it was carried out by PT. ASS", he explained.

The perpetrator, AW (42), was hoarding oil from suspect AR (28). Then PT ASS bought and sold it back to the company. Currently, the case is still being developed.

"He was checking. He had a small vehicle. It was accommodated by PT ASS and then in a place in PT it was scanned and circulated by a tanker truck", he explained.

Meanwhile, suspect AW admitted that he only received biodiesel from the suspect Arif, then he hoarded it and after that, it was bought by PT ASS. The action has been carried out since three months ago.

"I have been a collector, it has been 3 months, around 12 tons", said Wahab.

"I am a civil servant daily", he added.

The suspects were charged with Article 54 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas on Earth and Article 55 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. The penalty is 6 years in prison and a fine of IDR 60 billion.

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