JAKARTA - The growth of politics is the main reason the Prabowo-Jokowi (PRAWI) volunteer group supports the advancement of Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. PRAWI volunteer chairman Achmad Fadjriansyah said this could be seen from various national political contestations recently. First, in 2012, Prabowo Subianto was listed as Jokowi's'mentor' at the DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election. "When it started, it ran quite smoothly. Even in 2014 Pak Jokowi advanced and Pak Prabowo also advanced, 2019 was like that, instead the rivals were faster, right. But after the contestation, Pak Jokowi won, Pak Prabowo Legowo, you know, to be his assistant at the Ministry of Defense," explained Fadjri to VOI in Jakarta, Monday, September 5. This series of encounters between the two figures is a strong reason why PRAWI fully supports Joko Widodo's advancement in the 2024 presidential election as a representative of Prabowo. "Earlier mentors, used to be rivals, suddenly become assistants to the president. That's history, shows the mature political maturity of Prabowo. In 2024-2029 what is impossible for Prabowo-Jokowi? Yes, maybe, we'll see the history like that. This means that they are adults in politics, we want Pak Jokowi to lead this country without having to violate the constitution, without making a fuss wanting this," he explained. He added that the presence of Prabowo-Jokowi was also part of anticipating a commotion about the 3 periods that had been heavily voiced. After all, continued Achmad, this violates the constitutional mandate. Even to extend Jokowi's term of office for reasons of the COVID pandemic. "So in our opinion, this is very unreasonable and tends to drain political energy. It will be noisy again, it will be noisy again. Seeing issues like this, we want Jokowi to run again but as vice president," he explained. PRAWI, explained Fadjri, was founded after intense discussions with a number of communities, both games, sports, crypto and music. PRAWI volunteers are optimistic that the voices of young people or millennials will still improve these two figures to lead Indonesia in the next period. "Let's carry and progress together for Indonesia to become a just and prosperous country," said Fadjri.

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