MANOKWARI - The public of four districts or sub-districts in Tambrauw Regency held a demonstration at the West Papua Governor's Office. They demanded that their territory be returned to Manokwari Regency.

Sakeus Amnan as the coordinator of the demonstration said the community came from the Amberbaken District, Senopi District, Kebar District, and Mubrani District. The masses want it to be like when the Law on the Establishment of Southwest Papua Province has not been passed.

Amnan said, according to the custom, the people who inhabited the four districts were an inseparable part of the Arfak tribe's extended family who inhabited the Manokwari Raya area.

"We don't want the big Arfak tribe in the region to be different from provinces, our customs are the same, using eastern cloth and our house with thousand feet," said Sakeus in Manokwari, West Papua, Monday, September 5.

In a statement read by Amnan, the four districts fully support the presence of the Southwest Papua New Autonomy Region (DOB).

It's just that before the Southwest Papua DOB Formation Law was ratified by the Government and the DPR, the boundary between West Papua and the Southwest Papua region was first resolved.

The boundary problem, he said, has been going on for a long time even since Tambrauw Regency was formed in 2013 based on Law Number 14 of 2013.

During the formation of Tambrauw Regency, he said, some of its areas annexed the customary area of the Arfak tribe, which is now the four districts.

"We want the Arfak customary regional boundary to be returned," said Sakeus.

In the Southwest Papua Bill, the Tambrauw Regency area is one of the districts that joins Sorong City, Sorong Regency, South Sorong Regency, Raja Ampat Regency and Maybrat Regency.

This is considered very detrimental to the indigenous people of the Arfak Tribe who live in four districts in Tambrauw Regency because from a distance and culture perspective, the local community is much closer to Manokwari Regency.

"We ask the government and the DPR to revise the Bill on the Establishment of Southwest Papua Province," Sakeus urged.

In addition to visiting the West Papua Governor's Office, the masses also visited the West Papuan People's Assembly (MRPB) and the West Papua Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

Previously, the community threatened to close the activities of government offices in West Papua if the four districts in Tambrauw Regency were not returned to Manokwari Regency.

Even a group of residents carried out a blockade of the trans-West Papua road between Manokwari Regency and Tambrauw Regency, Maybrat to Sorong, following the refusal to join the four districts in Tambrauw Regency to the administrative area of the Southwest Papua DOB candidate.

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