JAKARTA - Members of the Babinkamtibmas of the Kembangan Police, Aiptu Agus Riyanto, evacuated a child with special needs found on the side of the road. The police found the victim while on a regional patrol. Agus found a child with special needs getting lost and seemed confused playing alone.

"While I was carrying out a visit to the fostered area, I met a child with special needs who was alone and seemed confused," said Aiptu Agus when confirmed by reporters, Sunday, September 4.

Then the victim was given food intake by the police. Because, Agus was worried that the child needed food.

"I feed the child afraid of hunger," he said.

Because the victim had problems communicating, the police then contacted one of the residents around the location where the special needs child was found.

"I tried to contact her parents and it's true that her parents lost their children with special needs," he said.

The victim was escorted by a member of the Kembangan Police. The victim was then handed over to his family.

"It turned out that the child left the house without the knowledge of his parents while he was cooking," he said.

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