MAKASSAR - The wave of support for the candidate for mayor-vice mayor of Makassar number 3, Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) -Fadli Ananda is getting bigger. Community elements volunteered to join the ranks of winning the Makassar Pilkada.

Deng Ical admitted that he was touched and appreciated the amount of public support for him. Individuals and the supporting community of Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda (DILAN) carried out the winning work independently. Deng Ical considered this to prove that his party was supported by the people and money politics was no longer effective in the Makassar Pilkada.

"Massive public support has always strengthened and encouraged the DILAN team to continue to fight. We will prove money politics is no longer effective in the Makassar Pilwalkot, votes and people's support are the final determinants," said Deng Ical as quoted from a written statement on Monday, 23 November.

The Muhammadiyah cadre explained that money politics is indeed difficult to avoid and is a phenomenon that is always found at democratic parties. It's just that, the final choice is the individual himself.

In South Sulawesi, Deng Ical continued, there were several regional elections that could become a reference for money politics that no longer worked. For example Pilkada Sidrap, in which the winning candidate pair is not a rich candidate. Makassar residents are believed to be rational.

"People in South Sulawesi, especially Makassar City are smart and very rational. In fact, even for the lower class people, they are not easily affected by money politics. Yes, it could be that they receive the money, but they will not vote when voting because they already have their own candidates, "said Deng Ical who is also a former deputy mayor of Makassar.

Deng Ical invited the people of Makassar City to fight money politics for a democratic and quality regional election result. Certainly, the mayor who is elected as a result of money politics will only upset the people because he does not have integrity.

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