JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Nadjamuddin Ramly regretted that the mass crowd had occurred in the past week which could trigger the emergence of the COVID-19 cluster.

"We deeply regret that ten months of hard work was destroyed by crowd activities in the past week," Nadjamuddin told reporters quoted by Antara, Monday, November 23.

He highlighted the many activities that gathered the masses in the last few days. In crowds it is very difficult to apply health protocols and even risks being a suggestion of corona transmission.

MUI, he said, is committed to continuing to support and ask the COVID-19 Handling Task Force to put forward actions to save human lives.

Safeguarding the human soul, he said, is highly recommended by Islam, including in the dimension of obligatory worship. He gave an example of the obligatory Friday prayers to be relieved as in the state of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"Compulsory Friday prayers at the mosque can be done at home. Eid al-Fitr in the field, can be at home. Compulsory to close the prayer during congregational prayers, can be arranged to be a distance. It is all in the name and for the sake of saving humans. aqli both sourced from the Al Quran and hadith as well as the thoughts of scholars, "he said.

The MUI Wasekjen said that no less than 12 fatwas had been issued by MUI regarding the pandemic situation, including prayer procedures for health workers caring for COVID-19 patients, reviewing the bodies of COVID-19, Eid al-Fitr prayers and Eid al-Adha prayers in their respective homes and others. .

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