JAKARTA - At least 900 billboards featuring Rizieq Shihab and others have been sent down by a joint team of Satpol PP, TNI and Polri. In the future, the reduction of unlicensed billboards will continue.

This was conveyed by the Regional Commander of the Jaya Military Command (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman after receiving a visit from the Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran at his headquarters, Jakarta, Monday, November 23.

Regarding the criticism from a number of parties for the TNI-Polri's participation in bringing down Rizieq and others' billboards, Dudung does not want to bother. Because, there are also parties who provide support.

"Criticism is the least that we support a lot. We support more, those who criticize do not know the story of how the reduction of billboards, the reduction of billboards was done two months ago by the PP Pol, Police and the TNI together," said Dudung.

According to him, the TNI and Polri were involved in reducing billboards because every time they were removed, the billboards with Rizieq's picture were raised again. Not only that, the Satpol PP also encountered resistance when the Balio decline had a picture of Rizieq. For that, the TNI-Polri also intervened.

"Pol PP was intercepted by FPI. Then the demonstration was ordered to install it again, who is he, who is this organization? How come the government is clearly a Pol PP? "Who are they? I do not want unrest by making rules which according to him, this is a rule of law that must have the correct legal provisions," said Dudung.

Dudung emphasized that if this billboard is installed again, legal remedies will be put forward. "(If it is installed again) we will definitely catch it, later with the Kapolda (Inspector General Fadil Imran) we will arrest it," he stressed.

Because of that, Dudung appealed to the FPI and the others not to really billboards without permission. Because, there are rules for installing billboards.

"We appeal to them, we tell them to let them understand about the applicable law, not the law, the laws that apply in the government of the Republic of Indonesia, so we must obey the law and obey the government if he is a good citizen," said Dudung.

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