JAKARTA - Patrick Quinn, one of the key figures in the "ice bucket challenge" fundraising campaign has passed away. Patrick Quinn died at the age of 37.

Patrick Quinn was diagnosed with a neurological disease, amyotrophi lateral sclerosis in 2013. Doctors said the disease was incurable.

He died on Sunday morning, November 22. Supporters wrote messages describing Patrick Quinn's greatness to them.

"He is a blessing to all of us in many ways," said one supporter, quoted by the BBC, Monday, November 23.

The ice bucket challenge didn't start with Patrick Quinn. However, he and his family, as well as his friends were among the ones who encouraged this phenomenon to spread on global social media in the summer of 2014.

According to ALS research, the viral campaign has raised US $ 220 million. Ice bucket challenge is a challenge where people will pour a bucket of cold water filled with ice on their head.

Action partisans typically upload videos to social media and challenge others to do the same or contribute to ALS research. Often people do both.

This challenge has attracted world celebrities, starting from former President of the United States (US) George W Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, and President Donald Trump.

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