BEKASI - The cause of the deadly accident of an iron cargo trailer truck on Jalan Sultan Agung, West Bekasi, West Java, is suspected to be due to a sleepy driver, based on the results of a temporary police investigation.

The head of the Bekasi City Police, Commissioner of Police Salahuddin, said that until now the investigation process was still being carried out with temporary suspicion that led to the cause of the accident.

"One of them, the condition of the vehicle's brakes is in good condition, there is no failed brake. The engine is also well controlled," he said, Wednesday, August 31.

According to him, this accident was allegedly due to the negligence of the driver. This iron cargo truck is estimated to have traveled quite far, as can be seen from the license plate of the trailer truck which has police number N 8051 EA. The number with the initial N is the identity of the vehicle from Malang, East Java.

"I haven't seen the bill yet, if you look at the number plate, it's N, now it's Malang. It's possible that it's a long distance from Malang here, it could be to Jakarta or to Pondok Ungu," he said.

Based on this assumption, the truck may have just traveled far so the driver is suspected of being sleepy. "The vehicle, it could be sleepy, but it is being investigated and the driver is being asked for further information later," he said.

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