JAKARTA - The Bandung City Government added one retention pond on Jalan Bima, West Java, to overcome flooding that often occurs from overflowing water from the Citepus River.

Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana said the retention pond would be a solution to prevent or reduce flooding. Because the city of Bandung is filled with 40 tributaries that lead to the Citarum River.

"One of them is the Citepus River. We believe that flooding in Astana Anyar and Pagarsih can be overcome," Yana said in Bandung, West Java, Tuesday, August 30.

The Bima Retention Pool, which was built in 2021, has an inundation area of 1,225 square meters and a depth of 4.5 meters. So that the retention pond can accommodate water of about 5,512.5 cubic meters.

The retention pond is operated with a flood gate and is equipped with a guard house building. Later the pool will become a water reservoir to reduce flooding in the Astana Anyar area which usually occurs when it rains.

In addition to being built as a flood prevention facility, according to Yana, the retention pond is expected to become an open public space that can be enjoyed by the community.

"This place provides benefits to become a public space so that after the pandemic, God willing, residents can increase their immunity," he said.

Now the city of Bandung has 10 retention ponds, namely the Bima Retention Center, Taman Lansia, Kandaga Puspa, Sarimas, Sirnaolaga, Rancabolang, Cisurupan, Gedebage, Cisanggarung and the Citalaga Pasir Retention Center.*

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