YOGYAKARTA - Talking about criminal evidence in general in the world of justice, proof is a major process in a trial, both criminal cases and civil cases.

The proof is the central spot for examining cases in court hearings. He contained provisions regarding the instructions regarding system procedures that were corrected by law to describe the mistakes charged against the defendant. Law Number 1 of 1981 Regarding the Criminal Procedure Regulation has limited the evidence corrected by the law that can be used by the judge in describing the mistakes charged, so that the panel of judges cannot subject the defendant.

Furthermore, Prof. Andi Hamzah, an Indonesian criminal expert, has defined evidence and evidence, which is something to convince the truth of a argument, establishment and indictment. Evidence is an attempt to prove through the tools allowed to be applied to describe the arguments or in criminal cases the indictment is tried by the court, such as the defendant's statement, testimony, specialist testimony, letters, guidelines, and including suspicion and oaths.

Based on Law No. 1 of 1981 Regarding the Criminal Procedure Rules, Article 184 (1) it is said that the legal evidence is:

The following will be explained one by one what and what is meant by legal evidence based on Article 184 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code so that it can be accepted at trial.

Witness Information

Based on the order, the witness testimony evidence is the first evidence to be told. In criminal cases, in each work initiated from searches, investigations, prosecutions, to trial in court, there must be evidence of witness statements.

"Witness testimony is one of the evidences in a criminal case in the form of testimony from witnesses regarding a criminal incident that he himself heard, he saw it himself and experienced it himself by mentioning the reasons for his knowledge".

Expert Information

What is meant by expert information is the information given by a person who is considered to have'special expertise' regarding the problems he needs to explain in a case that is being investigated, this will later be so that the case being examined becomes clear and clear. Article 1 number 28 of Law No.1 of 1981 Regarding Criminal Procedure Regulations (KUHAP) tells the story:

"Expert testimony is a statement provided by a person who has special expertise about what is needed to make light of a criminal case for examination purposes"


The Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) has defined what is meant by the Letter. Article 187 of Law No.1 of 1981 Regarding the Criminal Procedure Rules tells the story that:

"The letter as stated in Article 184 paragraph (1) letter c, made on oath of office or strengthened by oath, is:


The Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) Article 188 has already said that:

(1) Instructions are acts, events or circumstances, which, because of their suitability, both between one another, and with the crime itself, indicate that a crime has occurred and who did it. (2) Guidelines as referred to in paragraph (1) can only be obtained from: a. witness testimony; b. letter; c. defendant's statement.

(3) Assessment of the strength of proof of a clue in every certain situation is carried out by the judge wisely and surely after he conducts an examination with full accuracy and accuracy based on his conscience.

Defendant Information

Regarding the 'defendant statement', Article 189 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) has already said that:

"The defendant's statement is what the defendant stated at the court hearing about the actions he did or what he knew himself or went through himself".

The iSI from Article 189, which explains "the defendant's statement" as legal evidence, has similar criteria or as much as the voice of Article 187 which explains "Witness statements". namely to be recognized as official evidence, the defendant's statement should be introduced to himself before the court, and the incident or moment should have been experienced by the defendant himself.

So that's what criminal evidence means, follow other interesting news only on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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