YOGYAKARTA The government will provide Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to 20.65 million Beneficiary Families (KPM) and 16 million workers as a form of transfer of fuel oil subsidies (BBM) aka Blt Subsidy Subsidy for fuel.

The BLT is given with the aim of increasing people's purchasing power in the midst of a surge in the prices of basic commodities.

"This is expected to reduce, of course, pressure on the community, and even reduce poverty, so that we can provide support to people who are faced with pressure on price increases today," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani at a press conference at the Merdeka Palace which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Monday, August 29.

According to Ani's statement, the Minister of Finance's nickname for the government's budget for the BLT program for the transfer of fuel subsidies is IDR 24.17 trillion.

Furthermore, Ani said the funds would be divided into three types of assistance. First, direct cash assistance with a budget allocation of Rp12.4 trillion and targeting 20.65 million beneficiary families (KPM).

"So 20.65 million groups or beneficiary families will get a budget of Rp. 12.4 trillion which will be paid by the Minister of Social Affairs (Tri Rismaharini-Red) of Rp. 150,000 for four times. So in this case, the Minister of Social Affairs will pay twice, namely the first Rp. 300,000 and the second Rp. 300,000," said Ani.

Second, Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) with a budget allocation of Rp9.6 trillion. This assistance will be provided by the Ministry of Manpower to 16 million workers. Each of them will receive Rp600,000.

"Mr. President also instructed us to help 16 million workers who have a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million per month. With assistance of IDR 600,000. This will also be the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration will soon issue the technical guidelines (technical instructions) so that direct payments can be made to the workers," he explained.

Third, local governments (Pemda) are asked to prepare 2 percent of the General Transfer Fund (DTU), namely the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) for subsidies in the transportation sector. The target of this social assistance is public transportation to fishermen and for additional social protection.

"The Ministry of Home Affairs will issue rules, we at the Ministry of Finance also set a regulation of the Minister of Finance where 2 percent of the general transfer funds, namely DAU and DBH are given to the people in the form of transportation subsidies for public transportation to motorcycle taxis and fishermen, as well as for additional social protection," he said.

BLT Subsidy Transfer of Fuel Subsidy Disbursed This Week

Still from Ani, the BLT for the transfer of fuel subsidies will be distributed to the public this week.

Meanwhile, according to the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, the distribution of BLT funds with a budget allocation of Rp. 12.4 trillion, which targets 20.65 million beneficiary families (KPM). will be carried out in two terms.

In each term, the amount of BLT given to the community is Rp. 300,000. Thus, each recipient will get a BLT transfer of fuel subsidy of Rp. 600,000.

Risma said that the social cushion for the transfer of fuel subsidies could be used to buy basic necessities.

"What is clear is that cigarettes are not allowed, they are not allowed to drink. For basic needs," said Risma after attending a meeting with President Jokowi in Jakarta, Monday, August 29, 2022, quoted by VOI from Antara.

BLT Transfer of Fuel Subsidy Disbursed Through Post Office

Risma said that the distribution of the BBM Subsidy Subsidy BLT will be carried out through PT Pos Indonesia.

Risma said, PT Pos Indonesia has an obligation to deliver the aid to people's homes.

"PT Pos is obliged to report to me, a photo of her house with a photo of her (receiver) at the house, so the documents are complete. The data is not by address and by name only, but there are photos of her house and the condition of her house. For example there are complaints, because for example he forgot to have received it, there is a photo of him," said Risma.

Thus is complete information regarding the transfer of fuel subsidies. The budget that was previously used for fuel subsidies is diverted to BLT because the fuel subsidy is considered not right on target and only enjoyed by the wealthy.

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