JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1 Eva Chairunisa emphasized that 120 illegal buildings in the Gunung Antang localization area are confirmed to occupy land illegally. After today, Tuesday, August 30, it was brought to order by tearing down the building, so the area will be used as a green open space (RTH).

"The control of the Mount Antang area is suspected of being a land that is illegally used for prostitution or gambling. What is certain is that this Gunung Antang area belongs to PT KAI which is illegally occupied," Eva told VOI at the location, Tuesday, August 30.

The land located at the location is owned by PT KAI with an area of 2,788.92 m2. With the rights of HP certificate Number 338 of 1987.

"Hari ini dilakukan penertiban di mana kami dibantu oleh pihak kepolisian kemudian juga TNI dan Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Timur beserta jajaran dalam proses penertiban," ucapnya.

Meanwhile, regarding future supervision, Eva said that in accordance with the law, because the land or all land in the Mount Antang area belongs to PT KAI, the supervision will be carried out by PT KAI and joint TNI Polri officers.

"Overall, in the area of Mount Antang, there are 120 illegal buildings that we have recorded and located on an area of 2500 square meters. For today we will complete the entire control," he said.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Kapolres Metro Jakarta Timur Kombes Budi Sartono membenarkan bahwa kawasan Gunung Antang sering terjadi gangguan Kamtibmas dan penyakit masyarakat.

This was revealed when carrying out control in the Mount Antang area on Tuesday, August 30.

The East Jakarta Metro Police and their ranks, continued Kombes Budi, had previously held a meeting when it was discovered that this land belonged to PT KAI. His party held a joint coordination meeting of PT KAI with local regional officials.

"After the meeting, the agreement for this place was brought under control by PT KAI and today we have helped PT KAI bring order to illegal buildings in Mount Antang," said Kombes Budi in the Mount Antang area, Tuesday, August 30.

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