SEMARANG - The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Kudus Regency, Central Java found thousands of double identities while observing membership in 15 political parties in the Political Party Information System (Sipol).
"We note that there are 5,535 political party members who have experienced doubles internally," said Chairman of the Kudus Bawaslu Moh Wahibul Minan in Kudus, Antara, Monday, August 29.
The total number of double identities is spread across 15 of the 24 political parties that register at the KPU. Each political party has a variety of membership double identity numbers, including related to names, political party membership cards, addresses, and population identification numbers (NIK).
He mentioned the 15 political parties, namely PDI, PKP, PKS, Prima, Nasdem, PBB, PKN, Garuda, PKB, PAN, Golkar, PPP, Labor, Parsindo, and Republic One.
Based on these findings, Bawaslu Kudus sent a letter of repair twice to the local KPU. The first letter numbered 028/PM.00.02/K.JT-15/08/2022 dated August 17, 2022 for suggestions for the improvement of PPP, Labor, PBB, PKB, and Prima, while the second letter of recommendation was corrected with the number 030/PM.02/K.JT-15/08/2022 dated August 19, 2022, for the results of the threat of internal doubles of PDI-P, PKP, PKS, Nasdem, PKN, Garuda, PAN, Golkar, Parsindo, and the First Republic.
From the two improvement suggestions, all of the Kudus KPU was followed up with an answer to a follow-up letter suggestion for the repair of the Kudus Bawaslu as a result of Sipol's removal with a letter numbered 395/PL.01.1-SD/3319/2022 dated August 26, 2022 and letter number 400/PL.01.1-SD/3319/2022 dated August 29, 2022.
The sweeping team from the results of the raid through Sipol in Bawaslu Kudus also found allegations of 3,006 external political parties membership of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election.
The results of Bawaslu Kudus' direct supervision of the administrative verification stage carried out by the local KPU obtained information that 31,021 political party memberships in Sipol which were carried out from August 17-22 2022 had all been verified.
The results of the verification of political parties in Kudus include several political parties that meet the requirements (MS) of zero, including PKP, Gelora, Republican, Republic of Indonesia, and Parsindo, while the Republican Party One, out of 1,947 members in Sipol who meet the requirements (MS) when the Kudus Regency KPU administration verification was carried out there was only one member.
On August 26, 2022, the KPU has stipulated KPU Decree number 308/2022 concerning Amendments to KPU Decree Number 259/2022 concerning Technical Guidelines for Political Parties Candidates Participating General Elections in the Implementation of Registration, Verification and Determination of Political Parties Participants for the Elections of DPR and DPRD Members.
Therefore, Bawaslu Kudus Regency hopes that political parties will take advantage of the follow-up to the results of administrative verification of allegations of dual membership and membership that have the potential to not meet membership requirements as well as possible.
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