BUKITTINGGI - The victims of the fraud case for the procurement of Eid al-Adha 1443 Hijri sacrificial cattle which had shocked the City of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra urged the police to arrest the perpetrators.
One of the victims, Edward said, has not yet received a bright spot regarding the whereabouts of the perpetrator with the initials ALD who is suspected of committing fraud in the procurement of sacrificial animals with a total loss value of more than Rp. 200 million.
"Of course we urge and hope that this case will be revealed soon, the perpetrators will be found quickly, it's strange that he is only an ordinary person but difficult to find," he said in Bukittinggi, Antara, Sunday, August 28.
Edward is the chairman of the Eid al-Adha sacrificial committee alumni of SMAN III Bukittinggi who suffered a loss of five cows from what the perpetrators promised.
In addition to continuing to wait for a search from the police, he admitted that he had established communication with local governments and Minang immigrants outside the area to find the perpetrators.
"We have to narrow the space for this perpetrator to move, this case is not kidding, there are many people who are harmed, the congregation who intends to sacrifice, we have complained to the government which is also expected to convey it to the Kapolda so that attention is greater," he said.
He hoped that the Police would not reduce the enthusiasm to immediately find the perpetrators, who until now have not been on the People's Wanted List (DPO) by officers.
Another victim from the management of the Baitul Jannah Mushala, Zulfikri Ilfikno accompanied by the sacrificial committee, Zadri, said he was surprised that the police had not made him the perpetrator as a DPO.
"Hopefully a DPO will be determined soon so that many parties involved will hunt down this perpetrator, it's been 50 days since the Navy perpetrators fled, we are still waiting for good news from the police," he said.
Until now, police officers have revealed that they have only received instructions from the perpetrator's motorbike which was found in the Tanah Datar area.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of the Bukittinggi Police, Kompol Suyatno, said that his party had not yet determined the perpetrator to be a DPO because he was still pursuing the person concerned. He also asked for information from the public.
Tracking from the perpetrator's cell phone is difficult because the perpetrator is known to never use a cellular network again.
"Even he never even contacted his own wife, the connection he used seemed wifi, we kept track," he said.
The case of the Kurban cattle occurred in Bukittinggi City to coincide with Eid al-Adha on Saturday, July 9. Dozens of worshipers suffered losses because the sacrificial animals that had been ordered and paid did not come on the day of slaughter.
Losses were in Mushalla Baitul Jannah with five cows and two goats, Alumni SMA 3 with five cows, and Mushalla At Tawfik with two cows and Bunda Hospital with one cow.
Losses are estimated at Rp250 million. The perpetrators, who have been reported by each victim, have disappeared and have not been overtaken by the police.
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