JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo signed the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) RI Number 104 of 2022 concerning Performance Allowances (tukin) for Employees within the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Tukin head of BRIN amounting to Rp49.86 million per month.

"The head of the National Research and Innovation Agency is given a performance allowance of 150 percent of the performance allowance for the highest class position within the National Research and Innovation Agency," said Article 6 paragraph 1 of the Presidential Regulation quoted by ANTARA from the Ministry of State Secretariat's website, Friday, August 26. .

The performance allowance for the highest class of office is Rp. 33.24 million per month, meaning that 150 percent of that amount is Rp. 49.86 million per month.

"The performance allowance for the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency as referred to in paragraph (1) is given starting September 2021," it is stated in article 6 paragraph 2 of the rule.

Meanwhile, Article 7 stipulates that the income tax (PPh) on Tukin for BRIN employees will be charged to the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

President Jokowi also signed Presidential Decree No. 105 of 2022 which regulates Financial Rights for the Secretary, Members of the Steering Committee and Special Staff of the Steering Committee and Other Facilities for the Steering Committee and Special Staff of the BRIN Steering Committee.

In the regulation, it is determined that the Secretary of the Steering Committee will receive a maximum of 10.5/12 of the amount of the performance allowance obtained by the Head of BRIN.

This means that Sudhamek Agoeng Waspodo Soenjoto as Secretary of the Steering Committee who is also a subordinate of Megawati Soekarnoputri as Chair of the BRIN Steering Committee gets Rp43,627 million per month.

Meanwhile, the financial rights of the members of the BRIN Steering Committee are equal to 10/12 of the total BRIN Heads' Tukin. The amount reached Rp41.55 million per month.

Furthermore, the Special Staff to the Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee who is not ex-officio will receive financial rights equivalent to 7/12 of the Tukin Head of BRIN. They get IDR 29.085 million per month.

The financial rights of the Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee, Megawati Soekarnoputri, are not regulated in the Presidential Regulation. The presidential regulation only mentions that Megawati has financial rights in the form of official travel expenses.

"Other facilities for the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, members of the Steering Committee, and Special Staff for the Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency as referred to in Article 1 are provided in the form of official travel expenses," reads Article 3 of Presidential Regulation Number 105 of 2022.

The following are the details for employee recruitment within BRIN:

-Class of position 1: IDR 2.53 million per month

-Class 2: IDR 2.7 million per month

-Class 3: IDR 2.89 million per month

-Class of position 4: IDR 2.98 million per month

-Class of position 5: Rp3.13 million per month

-Class 6: IDR 3.51 million per month

-Class 7: Rp3.91 million per month

-Class 8: IDR 4.59 million per month

-Class 9: IDR 5.07 million per month

-Class 10: Rp5.97 million per month

-Class 11: IDR 8.75 million per month

-Class 12: Rp9.89 million per month

-Class 13: IDR 10.93 million per month

-Class 14: IDR 17.06 million per month

-Class 15: IDR 19.28 million per month

-Class 16: IDR 27.57 million per month

-Class 17: IDR 33.24 million per month

This rule is effective from August 24, 2022.

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