YOGYAKARTA - The police have arrested two suspected perpetrators of the assault that resulted in the death of a victim with the initials JTM (31) in front of the Kamasan Papuan Student Dormitory, Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta City.

Yogyakarta Police Chief Kombes Idham Mahdi said the alleged perpetrators had the initials HK (36), a farmer from Papua and YK (27) a private employee. Both were detained at the Yogyakarta Police Headquarters after they surrendered themselves on Wednesday (24/8).

"The perpetrator's self-awareness came to the Police Headquarters and gave himself up to take responsibility for his actions," said Idham, Thursday, August 25.

Idham explained that the chronology of the incident began with a commotion that was triggered by a misunderstanding regarding personal issues at the Papua Kamasan Student Dormitory, Yogyakarta on Tuesday (23/8) at around 20.30 WIB.

"The misunderstanding occurred within the dormitory, not in a meeting condition, it seemed that it was just an ordinary get-together, not at a meeting," he said.

The commotion then continued to chase between the four victims' camps and the group of six perpetrators until a fight broke out at the Glagahsari Street intersection in front of the dormitory at 20.45 WIB.

JTM, said Idham, was abused using a sharp weapon, causing his right wrist to be severed and he had open wounds on his back and stomach.

The victim was then rushed to the Dr Hardjolukito Hospital in Bantul and was declared dead while receiving the first treatment.

"Today (JTM's body) was dispatched to be buried in his homeland, Papua," said the Chief of Police.

According to Idham, JTM, who is a private employee, having his address at Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman knows each other with the perpetrators because they both come from the same area in Papua.

For their actions, HK and YK were charged with Article 351 paragraph 3 in conjunction with 170 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 12 years in prison.

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