JAKARTA - The House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) summoned the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs who is also the Head of Kompolnas, Mahfud Md, for questioning regarding his statement that he knew that a member of the DPR was involved in designing the scenario for the Ferdy Sambo case. "Today the MKD has managed to come to Prof. Mahfud Md to clarify and Alhamdulillah, he relaxed and relaxed to clarify about whether there was really involvement of DPR members in the Ferdy Sambo problem after the murder," said Chairman of the DPR MKD Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, August 25. Aboe explained, in the meeting Mahfud mentioned that Ferdy Sambo was the scenario maker for the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. So that no DPR members were involved in designing the scenario. However, he said, that does not mean that there was a violation.

"So that's the scenario created by Sambo. Well, he said there were sentences from members of the DPR, but they didn't appear. So there wasn't and Pak Mahfud explained that," Aboe explained.

According to the PKS politician, the summons of Mahfud Md proves that the MKD is carrying out its duties as the council's ethical court. In this case, it is related to whether or not there are allegations of violations committed by members of the DPR. "Some are reported and some are not reported. What is not reported, but we know in the public about the parliament, so we take that role," said Aboe.

Regarding the names of several council members who were contacted by Sambo, the member of Commission III of the DPR emphasized that Mahfud could not mention the names in question. Because, there is no interest in the case that is currently being handled by the Police.

"No, he just said I have no right to mention because it has no other interest and there is no truth in him saying. (So) Clear, finished," said Aboe Bakal Alhabsyi.

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