JAKARTA - Cirebon Regent Imron said there were more than 10 thousand houses in his area, unfit for habitation. Even though the government is only able to repair 700 units every year.

"There are more than 10,000 houses that are unfit for habitation in Cirebon Regency," said Imron in Cirebon, Wednesday, August 25, quoted from Antara.

Imron said the number of uninhabitable houses was spread over 40 sub-districts in Cirebon Regency.

According to him, the Regional Government continues to try to help build houses for residents who are not fit for habitation with various sources of funds, both from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"We also budget for the repair of uninhabitable houses, but the capacity is not large," he said.

Imron added that the government every year helps as many as 700 uninhabitable houses to be built or renovated.

However, this number is not large, because the number of houses that are not feasible has reached more than 10 thousand.

For that, Imron continued, his party hopes that all parties can help the community's needs, especially housing problems.

"We really appreciate the activities carried out by the Cirebon City Police, by helping build houses for underprivileged residents," he said.

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