JAKARTA - The former Head of the National Police's Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, wrote an apology on a piece of white paper for all his actions in the case of Brigadier J's murder. In the letter, Sambo hopes that his apologies can be accepted by his fellow high-ranking officers and juniors in the Bhayangkara Corps.

At the end of the letter dated August 22, 2022, the signature of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is also clearly stated with a stamp of 10,000. Ferdy Sambo's family attorney, Arma Hanis, when confirmed, confirmed that his client wrote the letter. The writing is referred to as a form of regret.

"That's right," said Arman.

Surta opened with the writing of pure intentions from Sambo that he regretted all his actions and had a direct impact on senior positions.

"For my actions that I have done I apologize to my seniors and colleagues, all those who directly felt the consequences, I ask that my apology be accepted," Sambo wrote in the letter.

This two-star general also stated his commitment to carry out every applicable legal consequence. Sambo hopes that this regret and apology will be accepted openly.

"And I declare that I am ready to carry out any consequences according to the applicable law. I am also ready to accept responsibility and bear all the legal consequences that have been delegated to senior colleagues who have been affected, I hope that this regret and apology can be accepted openly and I am ready." undergo this legal process well so that we can immediately get a decision that brings a sense of justice to all parties. Thank you, may God always protect us all," wrote Sambo.

Ferdy Sambo's handwriting apologizes

"Sincerely, the Inspector General of Police," ended Surta Sambo.

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