MADIUN - The East Java Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) ensures that persons with disabilities will be accommodated in the Permanent Voters List (DPT) so that they can channel their voting rights in the upcoming 2024 General Election (Election).

"Since the data collection process, don't let them be ignored," said East Java Bawaslu Member Aang Kunafi as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 24.

Therefore, Aang requested that the Bawaslu at the regional level take seriously the presence of persons with disabilities.

From the start, Bawaslu must coordinate with the General Elections Commission in collecting data on the distribution of potential voters from that group. If they were mapped from the start, attention to them could certainly be maximized.

"For example, there is data on people with hearing impairments in a polling station. If it is known from the start, officers in the field can certainly facilitate according to their needs," he explained.

What needs to be underlined is that the handling of every person with a disability is not the same. The assistance needed for deaf and blind people will definitely be different.

"Therefore, data and mapping must be carried out from the beginning to make it easier in the future. So that disability groups can also channel their rights properly in the upcoming 2024 General Election," said Aang.

Chairman of the Madiun City Bawaslu, Kokok Heru Purwoko, said that his party guarantees that it will facilitate groups of people with disabilities. The Madiun City Bawaslu even has a special communication group with this group.

According to Madiun City Bawaslu data, so far there are 150 persons with disabilities in the Madiun City area who will become prospective voters in the 2024 General Election.

"This data has the opportunity to continue to grow until 2024. This is because it is data from the last election, because in the last election there were people who were not yet 17 years old," said Kokok.

His party, together with the East Java Bawaslu, continues to improve data collection for the disability group.

So that later, it is hoped that during the process of compiling and collecting data on the 2024 Election DPT, the existence of these groups can be accommodated.

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