TANGERANG - Dozens of people stormed the residence of Jamaan Nurchotib Mansur alias Ustaz Yusuf Mansur. They came to ask questions about the clarity of the investment program which was attended by 250 administrators and congregants of the Darussalam Mosque, Kota Wisata. Mubahalah Coordinator Zaini Mustofa said the incident occurred on Jalan Ketapang Poncol, Ketapang, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Wednesday (24/8). Meanwhile, Yusuf Mansur's attorney, Ari Sunarya, explained that he could not provide more clarity at this time. According to him, it is better to convey it during the trial at the South Jakarta District Court. For information, the investment victims reached Rp. 50 billion. They are investors from various circles ranging from household assistants (ART), mosque marbots, and conglomerates. These victims have been involved in investing for almost 12 years. However, there are problems with refunds that are stuck. Watch the video below.

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