Putri Rizieq Najwa Shihab And Son-in-law Are Absent From The Police Summons In Cases Of Suspected Violations Of The Prokes
Metro Jaya Police Department (VOI)

JAKARTA - Five witnesses in a case of alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) when the marriage of Rizieq Shihab's daughter was absent from the examination at Polda Metro Jaya scheduled for today.

Two witnesses include Syarifah Najwa Shihab and Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus who are Rizieq Shihab's bride and daughter and son-in-law.

"Five people were absent and there has been no confirmation," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Friday, November 20.

Meanwhile, the other three witnesses who were also absent included the PR of the Islamic Defenders Front initials HA, the tenant of the tent initials I, and HA bin A, who is Rizieq Shihab's family.

Meanwhile there were two other witnesses who fulfilled the summons for examination. They are DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Lupito and DKI BPBD.

"In today's clarification activity, witness interviews have been conducted. Seven people were invited. Of the seven people who attended, only two were DKI Kadishub and DKI BPBD," he said.

As before, dozens of people from various elements have been questioned in the investigation process. One of them is DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. To reporters, Anies, who was questioned for 7 hours, admitted that he had 33 questions.

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