JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya arrested a Chinese citizen with the initials LS, for running a medical practice without a permit in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta. In addition, they also use drugs that are not registered with the BPOM.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that this raid was carried out after receiving information from the public in July 2019 that there was a foreign doctor who could not speak Indonesian at all serving patients at the Cahaya Mentari Clinic.

"After some time we investigated and confirmed the existence of a violation, we immediately carried out a raid," said Yusri in Jakarta, Thursday, January 23.

In the raid, apart from arresting LS alias LI who acts as a doctor, the police also arrested the owner of the clinic with the initials A, who is an Indonesian citizen.

Yusri explained that the clinic was actually legal and licensed. In addition, LI also works as a doctor in her home country. However, everything becomes problematic because LI only has a tourist visa in Indonesia, not a work visa.

"This LI doctor does not have a license to practice. The status has been checked, he is indeed a doctor, but he does not have a license to practice in Indonesia," said Yusri.

On the same occasion, Kanit 4 Sub-directorate 3 Sumdaling Kompol Imran Gultom, added that this illegal medical practice has been going on for about 3 months. Where has received about 400 patients who seek treatment at the clinic.

Polda exposes illegal medical practices (Rizki Adytia Pramana / VOI)

During operation, the perpetrators have made a profit of up to Rp1 billion. Because for one treatment, they charge up to tens of millions of rupiah.

"People (seek treatment) there because they are foreign doctors, they are more confident. The second is because they are treated without surgery. The cost is quite expensive, between 7 and 15 million," said Imran.

Furthermore, he said, investigators would continue to develop this case by examining the conditions of the patients who had been treated at the clinic. The goal is to find out the side effects of the drugs used in the treatment.

"This we will involve the health office to find out the effects of drugs that are not registered," said Imran.

For the actions, the two suspects were subject to Article 78 junto Article 73 paragraph 2 and or Article 75 paragraph 3 junto Article 32 paragraph 1 and / or Article 76 junto Article 36 and or Article 77 junto Article 73 paragraph 1 RI Law Number 29 Year 2004 concerning medical practice. The suspect is also subject to Article 201 junto 197,198,108 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 36 of 2009 on health. The two suspects face up to 15 years in prison.

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