JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) or Pelindo III signed an agreement in the context of synergy and collaboration in the field of business and asset optimization and logistics supply chain. The two state-owned enterprises (BUMN) will later utilize joint assets at the three ports.

The three ports referred to are Tanjung Intan in Cilacap, Tanjung Mas in Semarang and Tanjung Perak in Surabaya.

President Director of PT KAI, Didiek Hartantyo, said that this cooperation aims to strengthen collaboration between KAI and Pelindo III in building an effective and efficient national logistics system.

The collaboration with Pelindo III, said Didiek, will also involve subsidiaries of the two companies, such as KAI's subsidiary, PT Kereta Api Logistik (Kalog).

"We are responsible for developing the southern part of Central Java because it is quite left behind, so it will facilitate logistics players who want to send goods to and from the port via rail," he said, during the signing of the cooperation, at the BUMN Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, November 20.

Furthermore, he hopes that this memorandum of understanding can be immediately followed up while still prioritizing the principles of good corporate governance. In this way, this cooperation will provide added value for companies and communities using rail and port services.

"This is a historic step, we want to revive Indonesia's glory by turning on efficient logistics transportation that can contribute to national programs," he said.

On the same occasion, Pelindo III Managing Director Saefudin Noer positively welcomed the cooperation with KAI. He considered that this cooperation could encourage the optimization of so many port assets.

Saefudin said the BUMN collaboration was also a direction from BUMN Minister Erick Thohir who encouraged increasing the value of BUMN with investment and technology leadership.

"We can do investment if we find the potential in our assets and markets," said Saefudin.

Pelindo III, said Saefudin, has offered KAI cooperation in the ports of Tanjung Intan, Tanjung Perak and Tanjung Mas. Saefudin said, Pelindo III is indeed looking to develop the Tanjung Intan Port in Cilacap.

Furthermore, he said, Pelindo III estimates that growth in Cilacap will increase in line with the presence of a number of large industries from energy to the food industry in the region.

Meanwhile, Tanjung Mas, he said, Pelindo III received an assignment from the government to make Tanjung Mas the main supporter of industrial estates in Batang and Kendal.

"In the next 10 to 15 years, a route from Tanjung Mas to Batang is needed. If you want to develop Batang and Kendal, and make Tanjung Mas the main gate, I think the channel must be deepened," he said.

In addition, Pelindo III has submitted the Tanjung Mas development plan to support the Batang and Kendal industrial areas to Commission XI of the DPR. Saefudin conveyed that the study regarding the development of Tanjung Mas would be completed in 2021 and it is hoped that by 2022 it can be realized.

"Hopefully with the growing development of Tanjung Mas and Batang, the capacity will increase and the land logistics route via rail will be more powerful," he explained.

Meanwhile, in Tanjung Priuk, Saefudin said the port in Surabaya had a very high growth. He said 55 percent of the national logistics for containers were in Tanjung Perak.

It is hoped that after the cooperation between the two companies is established, the company's old assets can be optimally utilized so as to support the reduction of national logistics costs.

"Because this is an old problem, namely idle assets, it must be resolved in a new way because these assets are scattered in ports in Indonesia," he concluded.

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