JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Desmond J Mahesa asked the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to maximize the return of assets resulting from corruption crimes (tipikor) to the state.

"I question that there are assets that have been executed but are still being worked on by an unknown party, for example in the case of DL Sitorus," Desmond said at the Commission III Hearing Meeting (RDP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, August 23.

He said the AGO acted well in handling several cases of alleged corruption such as Duta Palma, PT Asabri, and other cases. However, he reminded that the process of returning assets must be maximized so that they can be returned to the state.

"In the case of DL Sitorus, assets were not returned to the state, so they were in nowhere. We can appreciate the performance of the AGO, but there are records, especially in maintaining the image of the Attorney General's Office," he said.

Desmond said that the AGO needs to carry out the return of the assets properly because the end of the legal process is to save the state's finances and assets.

In the RDP, member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Rudi Mas'ud, provided notes regarding the return of state assets resulting from corruption by the Attorney General's Office. He suspected that there were non-transparent practices in the auction process for corruption assets, for example the auction of a ship worth Rp130 billion in East Kalimantan, the price was lowered to Rp85 billion.

"I agree that auctions prioritize the best prices, but the problem is there are indications related to auctions that are not transparent. Activities cannot be carried out directly because the venue, local participants, and many administrations are not in accordance with the first and second stage auctions," he said.

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