SURABAYA - Open recruitment of health workers at Rumah Sehat Tentrem Medical Center (RSTMC) is the method used by Mochamad Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi to look for victims to be molested.

Of the five witnesses who were presented at the trial, four of them were RSTMC participants who were victims of the abuse.

"The four witnesses are participants in the training of health workers at the RSTCM initiated by the defendant Bechi," said the Women Crisis Center (WCC), Anna Abdillah, an assistant to an obscene victim after the trial at the Surabaya District Court, Monday, August 22.

This mode, continued Anna, was revealed when four witnesses underwent examination at the Surabaya District Court (PN). According to Anna, one witness to another also had the same information regarding what was done by MSAT alias Mas Bechi. One of them is about the bathing ritual.

"So the other witness is also in the same statement. He has to undergo the bathing ritual, if it's a fictitious story or not, yes, it's like that. This is part of the sequence of processes," he said.

Anna said, actually there were 15 people who gave similar information. But not all of them dared to be witnesses, because they were afraid, so they did not dare to take the risk of being expelled from the lodge.

"Witnesses who testify are witnesses who have been tested and indeed, when they left the Islamic boarding school, they were all expelled," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the two different events that MSAT's lawyer, alias Mas Bechi, questioned, Ana explained the dissimilarity between one incident and another, because Bechi's time span was different.

The first incident had three victims, who were in the same location. While the other two victims in different events.

One of the two victims became a victim since the age of 15 and occurred in 2012. The victim is different from the victim who reported to the Jombang Police in 2019, whose case is now being tried at the Surabaya District Court.

"Finally drawn from the sequence of events with one another, the similarity is to use the power relations to educate their foster children," he said.

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