Jakarta - The funeral of the Deputy Minister of Public Works (PU) for the 2009-2014 period Achmad Hermanto Dardak was held stately with a military ceremony at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP), Jakarta, Sunday, August 21.

The funeral went smoothly and solemnly led by PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono as the ceremony inspector.

Minister Basuki conveyed his deep condolences, remembering the figure of the late Hermanto Dardak as a PUPR man who worked hard and sincerely served for development in Indonesia.

"So a doctorate is not just an academic, but staying in the office. That's why I have the term don't be a person who works in PU without values, but be a PU person. So even though he has retired, he is still a Public Works person," Minister Basuki told reporters.

Minister Basuki conveyed the career journey of the late Hermanto Dardak at the Ministry of PUPR starting from Section Head, Head of Sub-Directorate, Head of Bureau to Director General of Highways and Deputy Minister of Public Works for the 2009-2014 period.

Furthermore, the deceased was trusted as the Head of the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW) and until now he is still actively serving as the Main Widyaiswara of the Ministry of PUPR.

"He was until the end of his life as an ASN PUPR. Now he is the Chair of the Steering Team for the National Capital Development Task Force (IKN) of the Archipelago. I think he is one of the experts who directs us all, especially for regional development, including the smart city concept in PUPR, " said Basuki.

As a colleague, Minister Basuki recalled the late Hermanto Dardak who always contributed to enlivening the atmosphere of teamwork, kinship, and openness to create synergy in infrastructure development.

"There should not be any work in PUPR that is claimed to be done by only one person, or only by one organizational unit in PU, all of them are the result of team work. He always revives team work, so we as colleagues really feel his loss, because I also PU people," Minister Basuki said in a written statement on Sunday.

The late Hermanto Dardak died while traveling to Jakarta, Saturday, August 20, at 03.25 WIB at the age of 65 years.

Previously, the bodies were buried at the residence and then taken to the As Salam Mosque at the PUPR Ministry Office for prayers.

Then a ceremony was held to hand over the body from the family to the state, in this case represented by the Ministry of PUPR.

The deceased received the Mahaputera Utama Star of Honor which was given by the 6th President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2014.

Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah conveyed the figure of the late Hermanto Dardak as an exemplary employee within the Ministry of PUPR.

"He continues to carry out the mandate given by the state by working hard and working sincerely in building infrastructure in Indonesia," said Mohammad Zainal Fatah.

The family, represented by the deceased's son, Emil Elestianto Dardak, who served as Deputy Governor of East Java, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all parties, especially the Ministry of PUPR for delivering the bodies to the Kalibata TMP.

"Allow us on behalf of the family to say thank you very much to all parties, especially the Ministry of PUPR. Hopefully the late papa as a PU person, not just working in PU. He can't be separated from PU. This is what touched us when he delivered it to the office The Ministry of PUPR. He taught me, when my father came home very late, I didn't hear any complaints. My mother said this is a person who is dedicated to the country, "said Emil Dardak.

Present at the funeral were the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Middle and Primary High Officials of the PUPR Ministry, seniors, and staff within the PUPR Ministry.

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