JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) explained the chronology of the arrests of the Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) Karomani (KRM) and his friends.

In the arrest activity that the KPK carried out on Friday, August 19 at around 21.00 WIB, the KPK team had arrested eight people in the Lampung, Bandung and Bali areas," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 21.

The eight people, namely KRM, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi (HY), Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri (MB), Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau of Unila Budi Sutomo (BS), Mualimin (ML) as lecturer, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Unila Helmy Fitriawan (HF), Adi Triwibowo as KRM aide, and the private sector Andi Desfiandi (AD).

In addition, there were two people who were also questioned after both of them came to meet the KPK team at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, namely Vice Chancellor II for General Administration and Finance of Unila Asep Sukohar and Tri Widioko as HY staff.

Director of Investigation of the KPK Asep Guntur Rahayu said that the KPK was following up on public reports that were received related to allegations of corruption in student admissions at Unila in 2022.

"Friday, August 19, 2022 at around 21.00 WIB, the KPK team moved to the field and arrested and secured several parties suspected of committing criminal acts of corruption in Lampung and Bandung," said Asep.

Meanwhile, the parties arrested in Lampung were ML, HF, HY along with evidence of cash amounting to Rp414.5 million, a deposit slip at a bank for Rp800 million, and the key to the "safe deposit box" which allegedly contained gold worth Rp. IDR 1.4 billion.

"Then the parties arrested in Bandung were KRM, BS, MB, and AT along with evidence of ATM cards and savings books amounting to Rp1.8 billion," said Asep.

Meanwhile AD was arrested by the KPK team in Bali.

"The parties and evidence were then brought to the KPK's Red and White House for further examination," he said.

The KPK has named four suspects in the alleged bribery case related to the acceptance of new student candidates at Unila in 2022. As the recipients, namely KRM, HY, and MB.

While the giver is AD.

"With the collection of various information and information related to the alleged corruption, then proceeding to the investigation stage which was later found to have sufficient preliminary evidence, the KPK raised the status of this case to the investigative stage by announcing four suspects," said Asep.

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