JAKARTA - Rumors circulated about the existence of a bunker containing Rp900 billion in money at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's house during the search process by a special team (timsus). The police denied the information and said they only found and confiscated evidence related to the case of Brigadier J.

"Based on information from a special team that conducted searches in several places of Inspector General FS, the information about the Rp900 billion bunker is not true," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Saturday, August 20.

According to him, during the search process carried out by the Timsus in several houses of suspect Ferdy Sambo, they only found evidence of a premeditated murder case. Although, until now, Dedi is reluctant to detail the evidence that has been confiscated.

"Whatever is confiscated is for evidence later in court. Timsus conducts an investigation with pro-justitia steps," said Dedi.

With the rise of wild rumors regarding the case of Brigadier J's murder, Dedi appealed to the entire community not to easily believe information that developed without any facts.

The National Police is still committed to investigating the case of Brigadier J's shooting in a professional, accountable and transparent manner.

"The special team continues to work. Please be patient and support us. Our commitment from the start is to investigate this case to the end by prioritizing the Scientific Crime Investigation approach," said Dedi.

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