YOGYAKARTA – When we talk about the aura of Kliwon Tuesday, we sometimes also talk about Kliwon Friday. These two days in the Javanese calendar are known by the people, especially Javanese, as sacred days. This assumption comes from the spiritual practice of the ancestors.

The tradition of fasting for 40 days carried out by the Javanese people, especially in the past, peaked on the night of Kliwon Friday. On that night, Javanese people usually perform the ritual of lek-lekan or stay up until morning and fill it with special practices.

Therefore, most of the ancient Javanese did not leave the house on Kliwon Friday night. Inside the house they multiply spiritual practices so that the atmosphere outside the house becomes quiet. This spiritual practice often intersects with the unseen world.

Aura Tuesday Kliwon is full of mystique

Well, the day that is considered sacred or mystical by the Javanese is not only Kliwon Friday, but also Kliwon Tuesday, one of which is for the people of Yogyakarta. This is still related to the ritual of fasting 40 days.

In the Cepuri Parangkusumo area, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region, the peak of the 40-day fast occurs on Kliwon Friday and Kliwon Tuesday. However, there are differences in terms of the implementation of the peak night ritual.

According to RP Suraksotarwono, a caretaker who is also a resident of Parangkusumo Beach, each region in Java has different rituals. On both nights, the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings perform rituals in the Parangkusumo area. Every time the ritual takes place, the mystical aura becomes very thick.

Apart from the mystical aura that Tuesday Kliwon has, it turns out that people born with Tuesday Kliwon weton are believed to have interesting characters. Apart from that, there are several other things that people with the Tuesday Kliwon Weton should know. Quoted from various sources, the following is some information about the Tuesday Kliwon Weton.

Character People with Weton Tuesday Kliwon

People with Tuesday Kliwon weton are often described as having an accusing attitude. According to Javanese Primbon, people who have this practice will be overwhelmed by luck and have an earlier opportunity than others in many ways.

Most of the people with this Tuesday Kliwon weton are people who are good at negotiating, loyal to friends, ambitious, and also quite broad-minded. However, the person is also a hard-hearted person, difficult to command, and difficult to advise or stubborn. People with Tuesday Kliwon weton also have a grumpy nature.

Other characteristics of people with Tuesday Kliwon Weton are easily jealous, irritable, tend to be impatient in dealing with problems, careless, and sometimes less able to return favors or are ungrateful.

Weton Tuesday Kliwon Prediction

If we talk about neptu, Tuesday Kliwon has a decent number of neptu, which is 11. This figure is obtained from neptu Tuesday, which is 3, which is added to neptu Kliwon, which is 8. In Javanese primbon, the number of neptu is used as the basis for calculating, predicting, or predicting mate, career, fate, fortune, and luck.


In terms of sustenance, Tuesday Kliwon's Weton is arguably the bearer of sustenance for his family even though his neptu is relatively small. If the owner of the Tuesday Kliwon Weton is the first child, he will bring good fortune for his father, even if his father's neptu is more than 11.

Suitable Jobs

Jobs that are suitable for people with weton Tuesday Kliwon are traders. His broad insight makes this Weton person good at speaking so that it is easy to seduce customers/potential buyers. In addition, the person with the Tuesday Kliwon weton is also suitable to be a leader, whether it is a community leader, a regional leader, or a leader for his own business.


How is the owner of the Tuesday Kliwon Weton in a mate? The match for the owner of the Tuesday Kliwon weton is someone who has 8, 13, or 18 neptu. This neptu is believed to bring good luck to the owner of the Tuesday Kliwon weton. The meeting of the owner of the weton on Tuesday Kliwon with the owner of the neptu is believed to be a meeting of stalks and flowers. They will support each other, complement, support, sustain and bring beauty to their families. Those were some explanations about the Kliwon Tuesday aura and predictions for people with Kliwon Tuesday weton.

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