Akhyar Nasution: Just Be Realistic, Do Not Be Grandiose And Will Be Considered A Lie
Candidate for Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution (DOK. Timses)

MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution emphasized the work program that is pro-welfare for Medan residents. Akhyar, who is paired with Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Election, emphasizes that he does not want to make promises but they do not come true.

"We only offer realistic ones, because this position is only 3.5 years old. We do not want to be grandiose, only realistic. Later, if it is too grandiose and not implemented, we will be considered lying. Hence, one of the programs we will carry out is ATM. rice, "said Akhyar in a written statement, Thursday, November 19.

If you win the Medan Pilkada, Akhyar Nasution will help pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. The hope is that the generation of Medan City will become a smart generation.

"The government will help with nutrition since the child is in the womb, so that the child does not experience stunting. This program is in direct contact with the community," he explained.

In addition, Akhyar-Salman (AMAN) will also assist residents in house renovation. However, the house to be operated on must pass several predetermined conditions, such as having a clear legal basis.

"For example, Ucok's house, but the letters are in the name of Butet. This is not connected. How can we do this. So it must be synchronized so that unwanted things do not happen," he explained.

Many things will be done by candidate pairs Akhyar-Salman when entrusted as a leader in Medan City.

"Later we will also help equip fardhu kifayah for the poor. Not only that, we also prepare an ambulance for free," he said.

Meanwhile, the community leader of Tanjung Mulia, Tafruddin, invited residents to win the candidate pair number 1 Akhyar-Salman.

"If someone is SAFE, we don't want to be complicated. To mothers and fathers, we may direct it to our families, our children, our relatives, so that we don't be tempted by a pile of packages. We have to have a strong stance, we must have definite goals. "Don't be like dust, there is a wind to the west, us to the west, the wind to the east, we go to the east," said Tafruddin in a gathering with Akhyar Nasution.

Therefore, Tafruddin asked the residents to unite and not be divided by the lure.

"We support Pak Akhyar wholeheartedly. There are a lot of his family, his relatives here. If Pak Akhyar is a hoe, I think his brother here is already rich. But this is not. Let us support it wholeheartedly, we direct our children, our families. us and don't be tempted by a pile of packages. As I said earlier, if someone is safe, why bother, "he ordered.

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