SEMARANG – The Central Java Police Chief's instructions to stop gambling in Central Java were followed up by the ranks by arresting dozens of perpetrators. Not only online gambling, the ranks of the Central Java Regional Police also arrested perpetrators of lottery gambling, checks, rummy to dice.

Regarding this gambling action, the Central Java Police Chief through the Head of Humas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy said that he was monitoring a number of regional units and had reported the results to the Central Java Police Chief. It was recorded that as of August 19, 2022, 11 gambling practices were revealed by 9 Polres and 28 perpetrators were also arrested.

"Based on observations and reports as of August 19, 2022, the police that have reported include 1 case in Rembang, 1 case in Pemalang, 2 cases in Banjarnegara, 2 cases in Pati, 1 case in Magelang, 1 case in Jepara, 1 case in Demak, 1 case in Pekalongan and 1 case in Klaten. 1 case. Meanwhile, other police stations are still conducting investigations and are expected to immediately report the results of their actions to the Regional Police Chief," said Head of Humas in a written statement, Friday, August 19.

The types of gambling that were caught by the Central Java Regional Police, he continued, were very diverse. Of the 11 cases revealed, there was 1 case of online gambling, 3 cases of dice gambling, 3 cases of card gambling and 4 cases of lottery gambling.

"So it's quite diverse and this does show that the Central Java Police are not indiscriminate. All forms of gambling will be eradicated," he explained.

Meanwhile, of the 28 gamblers who were arrested by the Police, Kombes Iqbal said the most were arrested by the Banjarnegara Police with 10 perpetrators from 2 cases.

"For other Polres, the number of perpetrators arrested varies from 1 to 5 people," he added.

Kombes Iqbal also asked the public to actively participate by reporting gambling cases to the Police. The identity of the reporter will be protected by the National Police and every report from the public will be followed up.

As for some community members who still like to gamble, he urges them to stop this habit.

"It's better to stop immediately, than to go to jail," he said.

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