YOGYAKARTA - Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari reminded his staff not to be easily tempted and to stick to the rules regarding the holding of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada and General Elections (Pemilu).

This is in line with Sunan Kudus's message that people should not be easily lured in and not tempted by unrighteous actions, said Hasyim after the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Yogyakarta KPU and Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana X in the Kepatihan Ward, Yogyakarta.

"I remind friends of the provincial KPU and regency and city KPU in DIY, Sunan Kudus's message. Sunan Kudus once advised all of us that ojo gumunan and ojo are easily attracted (don't get carried away easily and don't be easily tempted)," said Hasyim, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 19.

The KPU ranks are asked not to be easily dazzled by the various dynamics that will emerge in the 2024 General Election. Hasyim emphasized that the benchmark in the task is based on the principles and principles of elections in Indonesia, he said.

"We, the election organizers, have principles in organizing elections," he continued.

Election organizers are asked to be able to refrain from various forms of temptation that will certainly appear during the momentum of the democratic party. To ward off this temptation, according to Hasyom, election organizers must work based on the rules and code of ethics that have been set.

"In the world of elections, there are certainly many temptations, both rough and subtle creatures. This is so that in holding elections we continue to work according to the rules and according to the code of ethics," he said.

Election organizers must also be ready to get reprimands from the public if they are caught deviating from the rules in holding elections.

"Because all of these are still ordinary people, if there is anything, please be reprimanded, please give directions, be reminded so that if someone starts to 'tilt' they can return to the right path," he added.

To realize the success of the 2024 Pilkada and Simultaneous Elections, he said that the KPU could not possibly work alone; so it requires cooperation and collaboration of various parties in the region.

Therefore, Hasyim appreciates the commitment of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and regional leaders in local districts and cities to realize the 2024 Elections and Simultaneous Elections that are direct, general, free, confidential, honest, fair, democratic, and with integrity.

"We believe this cannot be done alone by the KPU, even though the constitution states that the KPU has an independent character," said Hasyim.

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