JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo attended the awarding of the Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) for members of the National Police at the STIK-PTIK Auditorium. The National Police Chief said that around 796 Polri personnel from 34 Polda participated in the event which was held in the context of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his remarks, General Sigit stated that by holding this activity, it is hoped that Polri members will have moral character and can realize the hope of becoming a precise member of the Police and can be close to the community.

"We hope that with this event, of course, there will be formed and elected, especially superior HR cadres who have moral character, which of course we hope can realize our hopes of becoming a Police that is Precision and can be close to the community," said Sigit, Thursday, August 18.

The National Police Chief also said that with the implementation of the MTQ award, which was attended by members of the National Police, there were members who, in carrying out their duties, could work together and synergize with ulama to maintain unity and integrity.

"So the hope is that between umara and ulama can continue to maintain unity and integrity," said Sigit.

Moreover, continued General Sigit, in the future the challenges of the nation will be more severe and Indonesia has begun to enter a political year. For this reason, in this situation, unity and integrity are the main thing.

"Of course, with this activity, we hope that Polri personnel, especially Muslims, can carry out their profession as members of the Police, not just a profession, but a way to serve and of course a way to practice worship as members believe," said Sigit.

In addition to the benefits for individual members of the National Police, the former Banten Police Chief said, it is hoped that members can improve performance for the good name of the Police institution.

"We hope that in the future what we do can continue to improve the performance of Polri personnel, both institutionally and individually. Thank you to all parties so that the peak of the MTQ competition goes well," said the National Police Chief.

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