PAPUA - Two fuel tankers caught fire at the Pertamina pier in Assue District, Mappi Regency, Papua on Thursday, August 18 in the morning. As a result, one crew member (ABK) died.

Papua Police Head of Public Relations Kombes Ahmad Kamal said the fire that hit KM LCT and KM Purnama was known from the report he received at around 01:45 WIT. In addition to killing one crew member, the incident also left four other crew members unaccounted for. Aston, so that members go directly to the scene.

From the testimony of witnesses, it was revealed that the fire came from Ucok's Purnama wooden ship which was docked next to the Pertamina LCT ship until the fire grew and caused an explosion and burned the body of the LCT ship. "The exact cause of the fire is still being investigated by examining witnesses and goods. evidence in the form of two ships," said Kombes Kamal, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 18. He added, KM LCT brought 12 crew members, one was reported dead, namely Markus Tangke and two people had not been found. the other two have not been found. The four crew members who were reported missing were Pardi, Herman, Rama and Ucok. Kombes Kamal said that at the time of the incident the fuel on both ships had been unloaded.

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